Live Chat

Welcome to chat. We’re enabling chat to all drivers and will be our new way of communicating effectively and fast. As our team grows we needed a solution that meant we can have fast and precist comms with drivers whilst on and off the road. Chat is available throughout the app and can be used wherever you are to replace phone calls.

A new blue chat icon is visible throughout the app so you can just tap to open and send a message directly to the office.

Payment issue? From Card Declined to payment assistance tap the Price Issue button at the top of the screen to open live chat and send us a message, we’ll then take the appropriate action to fix the problem.

Accounts & Finances, have been totally redone, with new clear information, to see your transactions and trip breakdowns, you’re now able to Live Chat to our office from the Support button at the bottom of the screen.
If there is anything todo with your account, talk to us from here!


Day and Night Mode